Return & Refund

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, we accept returns for items within 7 days of delivery date for a full refund minus shipping and gift wrap charges. Shipping cost is non-refundable for undelivered, unclaimed, returned and refused packages, unless we made an error.

We kindly ask that all items requested for return/exchange are not undamaged and unopened packaging. Items are expected to be in the exact same condition as when you received it, and are in the original box and/or packaging. 

You can expect a refund within one billing cycle of us receiving your returned product. Shipping cost is non-refundable for undelivered, unclaimed, returned and refused packages, unless we made an error.

Damage Claims

In the unlikely event that your order or part of your order arrives damaged, please email us immediately so we can notify the carrier and file a damage claim. Please keep all packaging materials for five business days after notifying us and a replacement will be sent to you.


In order to provide our customers with the best shopping experience, our systems are automated and therefore orders cannot be cancelled after they are placed. If a cancel option appears next to your order in your order history section then you may cancel your order.